Loan Batch

Loan Batch

For a loan to be registered in the system, you must define:

  • Login: Login or email of the customer for whom the loan or loan application was created

  • Credit product: The credit product chosen for the loan or loan application

  • Value: The total amount lent

  • Periodicity: Installment period (monthly, weekly, etc.)

Other (optional) loan details are:

Loan Status

The loan status depends on the information in the optional field Disbursement Date:

  • If the Disbursement Date is left empty, the loan is created in the Origination status or Pre-Origination status (subject to how complete are the customer details).

  • If the Disbursement Date is defined, the Loan is created in the Active status. After the payment information has been provided, the Loan may be moved to the Past Due status.

Credit Lines

When a credit line is added to the system, the Disbursement information shall be left empty. It can then be registered in the system with the Disbursement Batch Import.