Notifications and Reminders
How to manage notifications
Navigate to the System workplace and select the Notifications tab in the menu on the left.
2. Select the notifications you'd like to enable/disable.
You can enable/disable an entire group of notifications using the Enable / Disable buttons next to the group name.
3. Select the preferred notification method (email, SMS, both) or click Change Settings (gear icon) to further configure a notification.
4. In Notification Settings you can specify the email subject, select attachments for notification emails and write your own texts for SMS notifications.
Merge Fields can also be used in SMS messages. To display them, use *| and |* as follows:
How to manage the due date reminders
Click Due Date Reminders at the top of the Notifications tab.
2. You can add, remove, or edit reminders (see Notifications' editing instructions above). TurnKey Lender System will use these messages to remind the customer that a payment date comes soon (Next Payments) or that the customer has past due payments.
3. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.