Customer Registration and Application Origination

Customer Registration and Application Origination

Customer information and loan requests can be entered into the system.

This section provides details of possible related flows and covers possible modifications of the application form.

Sometimes Vendors can choose to go only through the first step of registration, leaving it up to the customer to proceed with all required information, moreover, some Customer may leave the application form filled partially.

If this is the case, the requested loan application is saved in the Pre-Origination status and can be seen by Originators using the Status filter.
It is also recommended to enable the “Customer registered from Front-Office” and “Customer registered from Back-Office” notifications to make sure that know how to access the Customer Portal.

Sometimes Vendors can choose to go only through the first step of registration, leaving it up to the customer to proceed with all required information, moreover, some Customer may leave the application form filled partially.

If this is the case, the requested loan application is saved in the Pre-Origination status and can be seen by Originators using the Status filter.
It is also recommended to enable the “Customer registered from Front-Office” and “Customer registered from Back-Office” notifications to make sure that know how to access the Customer Portal.

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