Branding and Appearance

Branding and Appearance

Go to Settings → Appearance to change/edit the color scheme of your TurnKey Lender.

By default, TurnKey Lender Box comes with two themes - Light and Dark - and you can switch between them in just one click, fully changing the front- and back-office appearance.

What’s even more impressive, you can create a new fully custom theme for your project by changing all the colors, background images, and other items that would make it look like a native part of your business.

To create a new color scheme:

  1. Click “Create new custom theme”.

  2. In the window that opens, choose the default to base your theme on - Light or Dark.

  3. Give your theme a name

  4. Click Customize the theme button which will activate once the previous steps are done.

In the window that opens, you will see the sections of the front- and back-office you can change the colors on. Choose the page you’d like to customize.

For each page available for editing, you can edit primary, secondary, and background colors using an intuitive color picker and upload custom background images. You will see that the changes you make instantly apply to the page preview above.

Save the changes once you’re done.

In case you need even more color/background options, click Switch to Advanced Mode.

This will open up an editor with even more colors that can be changed, allowing for full customization of colors used in TurnKey Lender front-office and back-office.