Excel Files

Excel Files

  1. In order to allow a Back-office user to import loans and customers into the System, Navigate to Settings → Accounts → Users and click the Edit icon next to the needed user.

Check Import loans and customers in the Permissions section and save the changes by clicking OK.

2. Navigate to Tools → Import. Here you can find and download the Excel template to fill with data that needs to be imported.

This Excel template isn’t static. It’s generated automatically based on the Loan application settings specified in your TurnKey Lender instance.  

3. Download and fill out the Excel template.

The Excel templates are formatted in a way that will be consumable for your System. Fill it out with the data you wish to import, save the file, and upload it to the System using Choose file button.

Please, make sure to fill out the field in the in Excel in correct format. Also, as you can see that some fields are marked required by *

TurnKey Lender will analyze the file and present information it desiminated in a grid where Back-office user can choose to import lines without errors only.  

The System will show you the items it couldn’t read and the exact errors that occured so you can fix them in a separate import.

Next, click Import to populate the System with borrower profiles and their loans.

If disbursement data is filled in the imported file, then the loan appears in the Servicing workplace after import. If there’s no disbursement data - the application will be in the Origination workplace.  

Note, that in credit products like credit lines disbursement amount doesn’t always equal the loan amount. For this reason, when using these credit products, it’s recommended to import disbursements separately.  


By default, the System will notify the customers upon import, but the Back-office user can disable this setting when necessary.


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