SG:D Accredited

SG:D Accredited

TurnKey Lender, the market’s leading provider of lending automation solutions and services, has been accredited by the Infocomm Media Development Authority of Singapore (IMDA) – a statutory board in the Singapore government on 27th  Mar 2019. The Accreditation@SGD program aims to accelerate the growth of innovative Singapore-based Infocomm media companies by helping them establish credentials, build a track record, and scale globally.

Recognizing the role of IMDA in building trust with the global Infocomm community and the influence Accreditation@SGD has on creating a positive image of reliability with the enterprise-level clients, TurnKey Lender strived to meet all the criteria of the program. Being accredited serves to show that the TurnKey Lender team is competent and fully devoted to improving the businesses of its clients, be it commercial or government organizations.

Find out more about this accreditation