Loan Status

Loan Status

Status IDStatus name (system)Status name (displayed)DescriptionWorkplaces where loans with this status are shownFinal
0PreOrigination-Loan is created-

Not all required customer details are gathered. 

2ReprocessingReprocessingA loan was returned for reprocessing by the UnderwriterOrigination
3AutoProcessingAuto ProcessingThe system is currently processing the loan (requesting Credit Bureau, checking Business Rules and Scorecard)


4WaitingForApprovalWaiting For ApprovalA final decision cannot be made automatically and should be made by UnderwriterUnderwriting

A final decision (system or manual) was to approve the loan.


6RejectedRejectedThe final decision (system or manual) was to reject the loan.Underwriting

7ActiveActiveThe loan is disbursed to the customer.Servicing
Collateral (if collateral needs to be re-valuated) 

8PastDuePast DueThere is a past due debt for this loan.

Collateral (if collateral needs to be re-valuated) 

9Closed_RepaidRepaidThe loan is fully repaid and closed.Archive+
10Closed_WrittenOffWritten offThe loan was written-off by the system or manually and closed.Archive+
11RolloverRequestedRollover RequestedCustomer requested to rollover the loan.Servicing
Collateral (if collateral needs to be re-valuated) 

12CollateralCollateralLoan's collateral needs to be added, valuated and approvedCollateral 
13DisbursementFailed Disbursement Failed 

Disbursement of the loan via a payment system is finished unsuccessfully.


14DisbursementInProgressDisbursement in ProgressDisbursement of the loan via a payment system is currently processing.Servicing
15Closed_RestructuredRestructuredThe loan is restructured and closed. Archive+
16P2P_GatheringInvestmentsGathering InvestmentsNot all required loan amount is funded


18WaitingForCustomerSignatureSigningThe loan agreement is sent to the customer for signingUnderwriting

19Closed_AgreementDeclinedAgreement DeclinedThe borrower declined the loan  agreementArchive+
20Closed_AgreementExpiredAgreement ExpiredThe borrower didn't make a decision about the loan agreement during the Expiry Period DaysArchive+

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