Customer Details. Canada Edition
Used in Decision Rules | Used in Scorecard | FO Display (D)/ Modify (M) | Field name | Required | Format | Constraints | Mask | Comment |
Personal Details | ||||||||
+ | M | Yes | textfield <string> | Standard "e-mail" verification | ||||
D | First Name | Yes | textfield <string> | |||||
D | Middle Name | No | textfield <string> | |||||
D | Last Name | Yes | textfield <string> | |||||
+ | D | Date of Birth | Yes | Dropdowns for Year, Month, Day | Age >= 18 |
| ||
Gender | Yes | dropdown | Male | Female | |||||
+ | Marital Status | Yes | dropdown | Married | Single | Divorced | Widow(er) | Civil Partnered | ||||
+ | Number of Dependents | Yes | textfield <string> | 0 <= N <= 10 | ||||
+ | + | Citizenship | Yes | dropdown | Canadian | Resident | Non-Resident | |||
Country of Citizenship | Yes | dropdown | All options from the Countries dictionary | Appears only in case Resident or Non-Resident option is chosen in Citizenship dropdown | ||||
+ | Education | Yes | dropdown | None | High School | College | Graduate | Other | ||||
Education Details | Yes | textfield, <string> | Appears only in case Other option is chosen in Education dropdown | |||||
Address | ||||||||
+ | + | M | Resided at Address. Years | Yes | dropdown | List of options from "0" to "10" | ||
M | Resided at Address. Months | Yes | dropdown | List of options from "0" to "11" | ||||
M | Street | Yes | textfield <string> | |||||
M | Apartment | Yes | textfield <string> | |||||
M | City | Yes | textfield <string> | |||||
M | Province | Yes | dropdown | Alberta | British Columbia | Prince Edward Island | Manitoba | New Brunswick | Quebec | Saskatchewan | Newfoundland and Labrador | Nunavut | Northwest Territories | Yukon | ||||
M | Postal Code | Yes | textfield <string> | [A-Z]{1}[0-9]{1}[A-Z]{1} [0-9]{1}[A-Z]{1}[0-9]{1} Example: A1A 1A1 | xxx-xxx | |||
Address format | Street Apartment City, Province (Code) Postal code | |||||||
+ | M | Residential status | Yes | dropdown | Rent | Own | Live with parents or a legal guardian | |||
+ | M | Monthly Rent | Yes | textfield <string> | Digits only are allowed | $ | Appears only in case Rent option is chosen in Residential Status field | |
+ | M | Monthly Mortgage Payment | Yes | textfield <string> | Digits only are allowed | $ | Appears only in case Own option is chosen in Residential Status field | |
2nd Address | Appears only in case Address.Resided at address. Years < 1. | |||||||
Resided at address. Years | Yes | dropdown | List of options from "0" to "10" | |||||
Resided at address. Months | Yes | dropdown | List of options from "0" to "11" | |||||
Street | Yes | textfield <string> | ||||||
Apartment | Yes | textfield <string> | ||||||
City | Yes | textfield <string> | ||||||
Province | Yes | dropdown | Alberta | British Columbia | Prince Edward Island | Manitoba | New Brunswick | Quebec | Saskatchewan | Newfoundland and Labrador | Nunavut | Northwest Territories | Yukon | |||||
Postal Code | Yes | textfield <string> | [A-Z]{1}[0-9]{1}[A-Z]{1} [0-9]{1}[A-Z]{1}[0-9]{1} Example: A1A 1A1 | xxx-xxx | ||||
Residential status | Yes | dropdown | Rent | Own | Live with parents | |||||
Additional Information | ||||||||
D | Social Insurance Number | Yes | textfield <string> | 9 digits | xxx-xxx-xxx | |||
D | Type of ID Verification | Yes | dropdown | Driver's License | Government Photo ID | Passport | Permanent Residence Card | ||||
D | Driver’s License | Yes | textfield <string> | Appears only in case Driver’s License option is chosen in Type of ID verification dropdown | ||||
D | Government Photo ID | Yes | textfield <string> | Appears only in case Government ID number option is chosen in Type of ID verification dropdown | ||||
D | Passport Number | Yes | textfield <string> | Appears only in case Passport option is chosen in Type of ID verification dropdown | ||||
D | Permanent Residence Card | Yes | textfield <string> | Appears only in case Permanent Residence Card option is chosen in Type of ID verification dropdown | ||||
Province of Issue | No | dropdown | Alberta | British Columbia | Prince Edward Island | Manitoba | New Brunswick | Quebec | Saskatchewan | Newfoundland and Labrador | Nunavut | Northwest Territories | Yukon | |||||
+ | M | Main Phone | Yes | textfield <string> | 10 digits | xxx-xxx-xxxx | ||
+ | M | Alternative Phone | Yes | textfield <string> | 10 digits | xxx-xxx-xxxx | ||
+ | Car Owner | No | dropdown | Yes | Leasing | Financing | No | ||||
+ | + | M | Monthly Car Payment | Yes | textfield <string> | Digits only are allowed | $ | Appears only in case Leasing or Financing option is chosen in Car Owner dropdown |
+ | + | Other Monthly Expenses | Yes | textfield <string> | Digits only are allowed | $ | ||
Employment Information | ||||||||
Primary income | ||||||||
+ | M | Income Type | Yes | dropdown | Employed | Self Employed | Employment Insurance / Disability | Retirement / Pension | Student | Other | |||
+ | M | Net Monthly Income | Yes | textfield <string> | Digits only are allowed | $ | ||
M | How Often Are You Paid? | Yes | dropdown | Weekly | Every 2 weeks | Semi-Monthly | Monthly | Appears only if any option except for Self Employed option is chosen in Income Type dropdown | |||
M | Next Pay Date | Yes | textfield <date> | > Application Date; The date may be specified either manually or using the calendar | YYYY-MM-DD | |||
M | Employer | Yes | textfield <string> | Appears only in case 'Employed' option is chosen in 'Income Type' dropdown | ||||
M | Job Title | Yes | textfield <string> | |||||
+ | + | Hire Date | Yes | textfield <date> | mm/dd/yyyy | |||
+ | M | Work Phone | Yes | textfield <string> | 10 digits required (main number) Max 5 digits in additional (extension) *Not Required* | ххх-xxx-xxxx ext. xxxxx | ||
M | Company Name | Yes | textfield <string> | Appears only in case 'Self-Employed' option is chosen in 'Income Type' dropdown | ||||
+ | M | Company Phone | Yes | textfield <string> | 10 digits required (main number) Max 5 digits in additional (extension) *Not Required* | ххх-xxx-xxxx ext. xxxxx | ||
+ | + | Company’s Date of Foundation | Yes | textfield <date> | <= Current Date The date may be specified either manually or using the calendar | mm/dd/yyyy | ||
+ | Benefit Start Date | Yes | textfield <date> | The date may be specified either manually or using the calendar | mm/dd/yyyy | Appears only in case 'Employment Insurance / Disability' option is chosen in 'Income Type' dropdown | ||
Income Received From | Yes | textfield <date> | The date may be specified either manually or using the calendar | mm/dd/yyyy | Appears only in case 'Retirement / Pension' OR 'Student' option is chosen in 'Income Type' dropdown | |||
Income Start Date | Yes | textfield <date> | The date may be specified either manually or using the calendar | mm/dd/yyyy | Appears only in case 'Other' option is chosen in 'Income Type' dropdown | |||
Income Verification Phone | Yes | textfield <string> | 10 digits required (main number) Max 5 digits in additional (extension) *NR* | Appears only in case 'Other' option is chosen in 'Income Type' dropdown | ||||
Add Secondary Income | No | button | The button must be present only if the Secondary Income section has not been added yet | A button to add a Secondary income section with the same fields the same as in the Primary Income section. | ||||
Delete Secondary Income | No | button | The button must be present only if Secondary Income has been already added | A button to add a Secondary income section with the same fields the same as in the Primary Income section. | ||||
Documents | ||||||||
Attached Documents | No | set of Attached file blocks | ||||||
Choose File | - | button | The Open File dialog window opens. | |||||
Attached File Block | ||||||||
File Thumbnail | Yes | image | 1) If the attached file type is image, then File thumbnail = the minimized image 2) If the attached file type is not image, then File thumbnail = placeholder image | |||||
File Name | Yes | textfield <string> | The name of the attached file | |||||
Delete | - | button | The attached file has been removed from the form |