Copy of [DRAFT] Create User Account

Turnkey Lender Box allows you to create accounts for your employees. Each account can have different permissions and access rights. You can customize them depending on the employees duties in your company.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Log into your Turnkey Lender portal
  2. Navigate to the 'System' workplace
  3. Click the Users tab (left navigation bar) to see the list of all user accounts (Figure 1)
  4. Click the Add User button
  5. The Add User window opens (Figure 2).
  6. Enter the your login details and fill out the personal information of the account holder: First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone
  7. In the Permission area (Figure 3), select the access rights you'd like to grant your new user. You need to assign at least one role to each user.

Several permissions could be assigned/granted to one back-office user

The essential permissions (roles) that cover the basic needs of a lending operation are Loan OriginationUnderwriting, and Loan Servicing.

The permissions to Archive, Export, and Blacklist users are auxiliary and should be used only in pairs with essentials.

8. Optional: Select branch office in order to assign a specific branch to the user.

Assigned Branch will constraint user's access to Loan Applications in other branches, if 'Allow access to loans linked to any branch' is unchecked (which means that the user can only see the loan applications created/originated in their assigned branch. 

9. Click OK to save your settings.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

There are special user permissions called System AdministrationCustomer Management, and  Reports.

  • System Administration has access to the System workplace. There they can manage the TurnKey Lender solution itself: create users, manage credit products, upload system documents, etc.
  • Customer Management has access to the Tools workplace. There they can manage Customer details: create new borrowers, edit personal information, block users, etc.
  • Reports permission grants access to the dedicated Reports workplace to analyze the lending company performance and operation based on historical data.