Updated List of Merge Fields

Updated List of Merge Fields

Merge Fields and their descriptions are directly available to back-office users editing the templates. 

The list of Merge Fields in this article can be amended on custom projects. New Merge Fields can be added to accommodate the specific needs of the lending company.

Merge Fields and their descriptions are directly available to back-office users editing the templates. 

The list of Merge Fields in this article can be amended on custom projects. New Merge Fields can be added to accommodate the specific needs of the lending company.

Merge fields



Global attributes that can be used in all notifications and documents

CompanyLogoReturns the absolute URL to the company logo image. This logo can be uploaded using the 'System > Company Settings' page.

CompanyNameName of the company specified on the 'System > Company Settings' page.In the Demo version, "YourCompany" is set as the value for this field.

Company Address, Information from 'System > Company Settings' page.

CompanyCityCompany City, Information from 'System > Company Settings' page.
CompanyCountryCompany Country, Information from 'System > Company Settings' page

Link to the Company website

Information from the 'System > Company Settings' page, field Website

CompanyPhoneInformation from 'System > Company Settings' page. same format as for BorrowerPhone
SupportEmailEmail address clients may use to contact the support department. This value can be changed in the company settings.In the Demo version "support@YourCompany.com" is displayed.
CurrentDateReturns the date when a notification or document was composed
BaseAppPathReturns the 'base path' part of the application URL. Can be used to create links to various application pages


Information about system documents


The date when a document has been sent for signing. Used only in document signing notifications
DocSignatureLinkA link to the loan document signature page

User Account

General details about the account of the notification recipient (Customer, Investor)


Login (user name) that was selected during the account creation
PasswordResetUrlURL of the password restoration page (available only in 'Password Reset' notifications)

FullNameFull name of the user
ContactEmailThe contact email address specified by the user. Email notifications are sent to this address.
InitialLoginUrlThe URL used for the initial login of the customers registered from BackOffice


Details of the investor that receives a notification. Available for notifications that are sent to investors.


The current value of the investor's account balance
InvestorAccountChangeAbsThe absolute value of the recent change of the investor's account (deposit or withdrawal). Used only in notifications for investor account modifications


Information about a specific investment. Available for notifications that are sent to investors.

InvestmentCreationDateDate when the investment was submitted

InvestmentAmountAmount invested into the loan
InvestmentInterestRateThe rate used to calculate interest return on the investment
InvestmentInterestRateFullThe rate used to calculate interest return on the investment in formatted view, "5% per month" 
InvestmentReturnAmountThe total amount of funds repaid for the investment; is used only in 'Investment Return' notifications
InvestmentCancellationReasonReason for canceling investment

text :

If the Loan is restructured 

"This loan has been restructured"

If the  Loan is canceled 

"This loan has been canceled"

If the Loan is rejected

"This loan has been rejected"

InvestmentWithdrawalAmount to be returned if Investment has been withdrawn before the due date


Provides information about a loan.

LoanIdUnique identifier of the loan that is visible to all users of the system

NewLoanIDRestructuredNew Loan ID created by restructuringApplicable only for Loan Restructured Notifications
LoanAmountLoan amount value. Set by the Borrower or the Originator when a new loan is created
InterestRateThe interest rate for the loan; is set in the given credit product
InterestRateFullThe interest rate in the formatted view: "5% per month" 
TotalCommissionThe amount of Origination and Administration Fees. This parameter does not take into account special Fees

The grace period defined in the Credit Product settings

LoanTermLoan term. Set by the Borrower or the Originator when a new loan is created

Integer. Returns the numeric value of the loan term.

LoanTermFullLoan term in the formatted view: "12 months"
APRAnnual Percentage Rate

The amount the loan costs to the Borrower.

  • Includes Interest, Origination, and Administration Fees, initially calculated in the schedule
  • Doesn't include possible Late fees, or Past Due Interest


The date when the contract was signed.

  • If Loan agreement e-signing is enabled, the date when Customer signed the Loan Agreement
  • If e-signing is disabled, the date when the Loan status was changed to Approved

LastPaymentDateLoan maturity date (the date when Loan should be fully paid)

Date of the nearest scheduled repayment for the loan

In the Loan Agreement, NextPaymentDate is used as the First Payment Date according to the schedule.

If Current Date > LastPaymentDate then NextPaymentDate = Current Date

Amount of the next nearest scheduled repayment for the loan

Sum of Current installment (early payments are not taken into account), Past Due amounts, and Fees.
OutstandingBalanceThe current outstanding balance of the loan


Current outstanding Principal of the loan


Current outstanding Interest on the loan


The current past-due debt of the loan

Includes the Sum of the unpaid debt of all missed installments

Used only in notifications about past-due loans


Expected due date of the overdue loan

Used only in notifications about overdue loans.


The number of days past due of the overdue loan

Used only in notifications about overdue loans.


The Promise to Pay amount provided by the Borrower (entered by the Collector in 'Contact > Promise to Pay > Payment Amount')

Used only for 'Promise to pay' notifications


The Date when the Borrower pledges to make a repayment (entered by the Collector in 'Contact > Promise to Pay > Payment Amount')

Used only for 'Promise to pay' notifications

InterestSuppressionEndDateInterest suppression end date
InterestSuppressionStartDateInterest suppression start date


Interest suppression days count
LateGraceDaysLate Grace Days of the relevant credit product

 Average Installment amount

(Sum of all installments according to the initial schedule) / ( number of installments)

Past Due, Late Fee values are not included


Date of First Installment according to the initial schedule


First Installment amount according to the initial schedule


Second Installment amount according to the initial schedule

UNBC-1041 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Number of Installments in the schedule

PastDueInterestPast Due Interest Rate of the relevant credit product

Past Due Interest Rate in formatted view, "5%per month"

Applicable only for Credit Products with the basic view

TotalOriginalInterestTotal interest to pay according to Initial schedule
TotalInterestTotal interest to payTotal interest to pay according to the current schedule.

Total amount to be paid by Customer

Sum of Loan Principal and Finance Charges

Loan amount value. Sum of LoanAmount and FinanceCharge

Total Loan Fee (Administration and Origination) according to the schedule

Special Fees are not included


The date when the transaction of Loan Disbursement was done

For the Loan Agreement where the loan has not been disbursed - the Current date


Loan Branch

ScheduleLoan ScheduleSee 836730890
LateFeesLate fees Table (LateFees)See 836730890
RejectionReasonValue is gathered from <Description> values for all rejection reasons of a rejected loan
CancelReasonCancel Reason Description
CancelCommentComments from Cancellation Confirmation
LastInstallmentAmount of the last repayment for the loan

The day of the month when an installment is to be paid

Applicable only for Credit Products with the basic view and Monthly repayment period

A number from 1 to 31.  The day of the month in the first Due date.
CreditProductCredit Product name
LoanCurrentStatusLoan Status
WrittenOffAmountWritten Off Amount.

Total Origination Fee according to the schedule

Special Fees are not included. Applicable only for Credit Products with the basic view


Origination Fee Rate in formatted view, "5%"

Applicable only for Credit Products with the basic view

If the Credit product contains several such values,  OriginationFeeFull returns all values separated by commas

Total Administration Fee according to the schedule

Special Fees are not included

Applicable only for Credit Products with the basic view


Administration Fee Rate in formatted view: "5%, 30$"

Applicable only for Credit Products with the basic view

If the Credit product contains several such values, AdministrationFeeFull returns all values separated by commas

Late Fee Rate in formatted view, "5%, 10$"

Applicable only for Credit Products with the basic view

If the Credit product contains several such values, LateFeeFull returns all values separated by commas

NSF Fee Rate in formatted view, "5% per month"

Applicable only for Credit Products with the basic view

If the Credit product contains several values of NSFFull returns all values separated by commas
TotalLeasingContractTotal accrued fees with Fee type = 'Leasing' on the disbursement state
OutstandingLeasingSummarized outstanding amount for all fees with Fee type = 'Leasing'
SalesTaxRateSales Tax Rate in formatted view, "$30", "5%"
SalesTaxFull Sales Tax amount expected to be paid during the whole Long Term
Value = Loan Amount * Sales Tax Rate 
Value = Sum of all Leasing payments for all installments  * Sales Tax Rate 

PreApprovalAmountSum of all fees with (Event sub-type= 'Pre-approval') 
PreApprovalExpirationPeriodPre-approval. Expiration period (days) 
InitialPaymentExpectedSum of all unpaid fees with (Event type = 'Initial payment') 
InitialPaymentExpiryDate'Pre-approval Expiry Date 
PurchaseAmountPurchase amount value.
Applicable if only there is a fee with (Fee Type = 'Down payment)

DownPaymentAmountSum of all fees with (Fee Type = 'Down payment)

PreDisbursementAmountSum of all fees with (Event sub-type = 'Pre-Disbursement') 
PreDisbursementExpirationPeriodPre-disbursement. Expiration period (days) 
InitialPaymentExpectedSum of all unpaid fees with (Event sub-type = 'Pre-approval')  or (Event sub-type = 'Pre-Disbursement') depending on the current loan status 
InitialPaymentExpiryDate'Pre-approval Expiry Date' or 'Pre-disbursement Expiry Date' depending on the current loan status ('Pre-approval' or 'Pre-disbursement')
StoreStore name
StoreAddressStore's Address
VendorVendor name
VendorAddressVendor's Address
LateFee_DateDate when the late fees for the current installment will be accrued Applied only for the Late Fee with the minimum “installment past due” value, and the "Fee value" is the amount.


The amount will be accrued for the corresponding Late fee date 

Disbursement Fee Rate in formatted view, "$100", "5%"

Applicable only for Credit Products with the basic view

If the Credit product contains several Disbursement Fees,  the DisbursementFeeFull merge field returns all values separated by commas

Repayment  Fee Rate in formatted view, "$30", "5%"

Applicable only for Credit Products with the basic view

If the Credit product contains several Repayment Fees,  the RepaymentFeeFull merge field returns all values separated by commas
RepaymentFeeOnce repayment is applied, this merge field contains the sum of deducted repayment feesIn there is no Repayment fee for the Credit product, value = $0
RolloverNewDueDateThe nearest due date after the change
RolloverOldDueDateThe nearest due date before the change


Current installment Pre-Approval fee amount


The outstanding principal amount should be repaid in order to close this installment, not the loan in full


Once repayment is applied, this merge field contains the sum of pay-off fees.


Second to last payment date of the loan


Amount applied for Leasing


Repaid reason.


Total of Fee (Fee type)

Applicable only for Credit Products with the Advanced view


Total of Past Due Fee

Applicable only for Credit Products with the Advanced view


Total of Penalty Fee

Applicable only for Credit Products with the Advanced view


Season in which the loan is paid

Set by the Borrower or the Originator when a new loan is created


First Funds Tranche

Applicable if only 'Enabled multiple disbursement'=ON 

TotalDisbursedAmountSum of all successful disbursement transactions

Equal payment

Applicable if only 'Enable equal payments'=ON 

RepaymentPeriodRepayment period. Credit Product settings'Repayment period' from Credit product. 

Possible values:
Monthly, Twice Per Month, Bi-Weekly, Weekly, Daily

If the credit product is created in Advance Mode, then the value is an empty string. 
WeeklyIncomeWeekly receivable forecast(warning) Only for the 'MCA edition'
SpecifiedPercentage% of weekly Income(warning) Only for the 'MCA edition'


Details of particular loan repayment. Available in repayment-related notifications.

PaymentAmountThe payment amount received from the Borrower
RestPaymentAmountThe total unpaid amount for the current installment of the loan

Applicable only for notification:

Payment is greater than scheduled
Full Payment
Partial Payment

PaymentDateThe Date when payment is received
NSFFeeNSF fee amount
DisbursementFeeOnce repayment is applied, this merge field contains the sum of deducted disbursement feesIn case Disbursement fee does not exist for the credit product, value = $0
InstallmentDebt_TotalThe total amount should be repaid in order to close this installment, not the loan in full
InstallmentDebt_InterestThe outstanding Interest amount should be repaid in order to close this installment, not the loan in full
Installment_ScheduledAmountTotal scheduled amount to be paid by the customer for the current installment
InstallmentDebt_FeesOutstanding fees amount should be repaid in order to close this installment, not the loan in full
InstallmentDebt_PastDueOutstanding Past Due amount should be repaid in order to close this installment, not the loan in full
InstallmentDebt_PenaltyThe outstanding Penalty amount should be repaid in order to close this installment, not the loan in full
InstallmentDebt_LeasingThe outstanding Leasing amount should be repaid in order to close this installment, not the loan in full
InstallmentDebt_DownPaymentAmountThe outstanding Down Payment amount should be repaid in order to close this installment, not the loan in full
InstallmentDebt_PreApprovalAmountThe outstanding Pre-Approval Fee amount should be repaid in order to close this installment, not the loan in full
InstallmentDebt_PreDisbursementAmountOutstanding Pre-Disbursement Fee amount should be repaid in order to close this installment, not the loan in full
InstallmentBadDebt_PrincipalNot paid principal amount for previous installments
InstallmentBadDebt_InterestNot paid Interest amount for previous installments
InstallmentBadDebt_FeesNot paid fees amount for previous installments

InstallmentBadDebt_PenaltyNot paid Penalty amount for previous installments

InstallmentBadDebt_LeasingNot paid Leasing amount for previous installments

CurrentInstallment_PrincipalCurrent installment principal amount
CurrentInstallment_InterestCurrent installment Interest amount
CurrentInstallment_FeesCurrent installment fees amount
CurrentInstallment_PenaltyCurrent installment Penalty amount 
CurrentInstallment_LeasingCurrent installment Leasing amount
CurrentInstallment_DownPaymentAmountCurrent installment Down Payment amount
CurrentInstallment_PreDisbursementAmountCurrent installment Pre-Disbursement Fee amount
PrevInstallment_StartDateThe previous installment's Start date. 

The start day is the day next to the due date of the previous installment.

For the 1st statement, there is a Loan creation date. 

for example, if the due date is the 1st of each month, the Start day is 2d day of each month.

PrevInstallment_DueDatePrevious installment due date For the 1st statement, there is a Disbursement date.
PrevInstallment_TotalRepaidSum of payment amounts from the previous installmentsIf the previous installment does not have any transactions, the displayed amount is 0

PrevInstallment_PrincipalAmount applied for the principal 
PrevInstallment_InterestAmount applied for the interest
PrevInstallment_FeesAmount applied for Fees
PrevInstallment_PastDueAmount applied for Past Due
PrevInstallment_PenaltyAmount applied for Penalty
PrevInstallment_LeasingAmount applied for Leasing
PrevInstallment_SalesTaxAmount applied for SalesTax
PrevInstallment_DownPaymentAmountAmount applied for Down Payment
PrevInstallment_PreDisbursementAmountAmount applied for Pre-Disbursement Fee
PrevInstallment_PreApprovalAmountAmount applied for Pre-Approval Fee


Payment Error

RepaymentModeRepayment mode of the successfully applied transactionTransaction → Repayment mode
TransactionPrincipalPaidPart of a successful transaction that was applied to cover PrincipalTransaction → Principal paid
TransactionInterestPaidPart of a successful transaction that was applied to cover InterestTransaction → Interest paid
TransactionFeesPaidPart of a successful transaction that was applied to cover all fees according to the scheduleTransaction → Sum of all paid fees with FeeType = 'Fees' (not Side Fee)
TransactionPenaltyPaidPart of a successful transaction that was applied to cover all penalties according to the scheduleTransaction → Sum of all paid fees with FeeType = 'Penalty' (not Side Fee)
TransactionPastDuePaidPart of a successful transaction that was applied to cover all past-due fees according to the scheduleTransaction → Sum of all paid fees with FeeType = 'PastDue' (not Side Fee)
TransactionLeasingPaidPart of a successful transaction that was applied to cover leasing paymentsTransaction → Sum of all paid fees with FeeType = 'Leasing'
TransactionFactorRateFeePaidPart of a successful transaction that was applied to cover factor rate fees paymentsTransaction → Sum of all paid fees with FeeType = 'Factor rate'
TransactionSpecialFeesPaidPart of a successful transaction that was applied to cover special feesTransaction → Sum of all paid Special fees (Accrual mode =' Special')


Provides information about a transaction  disbursement

DisbursementAmountThe amount that is disbursed to a customer with this transaction
DisbursementTransactionDate Date of this disbursement transaction

Customer Details

CardHintSeveral last digits of the cardCustomer Credit Card details 
ExpirationDateCard expiration dateCustomer Credit Card details
BankAccountVerificationSentDateDate when the Bank Account verification Request was sent to the Borrower
BankAccountVerificationExpiryDateDate when the Bank Account verification Request will expire

'Street' part of the borrower's address

For US edition 

Street Address & Street Address 2

BorrowerAddress_CityThe 'City' part of the borrower's address
BorrowerAddress_ZipCode'ZipCode' part of the borrower's address
BorrowerAddress_State'State' part of the borrower's address


US state code from the borrower's addressUS edition specific
BorrowerAddress_Province 'Province' part of the borrower's addressCanada edition specific
BorrowerAddress_Appartment'Apartment' part of the borrower's address

The full address of the borrower

Information from the Application form

Country Address format
BorrowerPhoneThe phone number of the Borrower. Field form Application formCountry Phone format
BorrowerDateOfBirthDate of Birth
EnterpriseNameEnterprise Namefor SME edition only
EnterpriseTaxNumberEnterprise Tax Identification Number for SME edition only
RegistrationDateRegistration datefor SME edition only
EnterprisePhoneOffice phone number for SME edition only
EnterpriseEmailCompany emailfor SME edition only
EnterpriseEntityTypeEntity typefor SME edition only
EnterpriseWebsiteEnterprise Websitefor SME edition only
EnterpriseAddress_Street'Street' part of the borrower's address

For US & SME edition 

Street Address  & Street Address 2

EnterpriseAddress_CityThe 'City' part of the Enterprise Legal address.for SME edition only
EnterpriseAddress_ZipCode'ZipCode' part of the Enterprise Legal addressfor SME edition only
EnterpriseAddress_State'State' part of the Enterprise Legal addressfor SME edition only
EnterpriseAddress_StateCode US state code from the Enterprise Legal address

US & SME edition specific

EnterpriseAddress_Province 'Province' part of the Enterprise Legal address

Canada & SME specific

EnterpriseAddress_Appartment'Apartment part of the Enterprise Legal addressfor SME edition only

The full address of the Enterprise Legal Address

Information from the Application form

Country-specific address format

for SME edition only


The full address of the Enterprise's Actual business address

Information from the Application form

Country-specific address format

for SME edition only


The Bank of the Borrower

Field from the Default payment option


The Bank Account of the Borrower

Field from the Default payment option


The Bank Routing Number of the Borrower

Field from the Default payment option

BorrowerBankAccountTypeType of account (Saving | Checking) 
CustomerIDPublic customer ID


CoApplicantFullNameFull name of the Co-applicant
CoApplicantPhoneThe phone number of the Co-applicant
CoApplicantAddressCo-applicant's address
CoApplicantEmailThe Contact E-mail address of the Co-applicant
CoApplicantBorrowerFullNameFull name of the borrower
CoApplicantDateOfBirthCo-applicant's date of birth
CoApplicantNationalIDCo-applicants national ID depending on the country (SSN, INN, etc.) 

'Notification recipient' group

RecipientFullName The name of the user who is supposed to be receiving the notificationAlias (existing merge field) - FullName
RecipientEmailThe email of the user where to notification should be sent toAlias (existing merge field) - ContactEmail
RecipientLogin The login of the user who is supposed to be receiving the notificationAlias (existing merge field) - Login

Table Merge Fields

Please read the Create a Table Using Merge Fields document to learn about peculiarities of the table merge fields usage

Payment Table (InitialSchedule)


Number of the Payment (for the Payment Schedule)

The number of each regular payment according to the schedule


Payment Due Dates (for the Payment Schedule)

The date of each regular payment according to the schedule


Total Amount of Each Payment (for the Payment Schedule)

The total amount of each regular payment as scheduled to come due under the loan


Amount of Each Payment that is applied to the Outstanding Principal Amount (for the Payment Schedule)

The Principal portion of each regular payment scheduled to come due under the loan


Amount of Each Payment that is Applied to Interest (for the Payment Schedule)

The Interest portion of each regular payment scheduled to come due under the loan

CommissionThe amount of Administrative Fee and Origination Fee for the Installment 
BalanceBalance of Installment (for the Payment Schedule)

Total NSF Fee according to the schedule. Special Fees are not included

Applicable only for Credit Products with the basic view


Total Late Fee according to the schedule

Special Fees are not included

Applicable only for Credit Products with the basic view


Total Past Due  Interest according to the schedule

Special Fees are not included. 

Applicable only for Credit Products with the basic view


Total Administration Fee according to the schedule

Special Fees are not included

Applicable only for Credit Products with the basic view


Total Origination Fee according to the schedule

Special Fees are not included

 Applicable only for Credit Products with the basic view

InstallmentCloseDateThe Day of the charge 
InstallmentStatusStatus of the Installment
PercentageOfWeeklyIncomePercentage = 100% * Debit / Weekly Receivable Forecast(warning) Only for the 'MCA edition'
WeeklyIncomeWeekly Receivable Forecast
currency format
(warning) Only for the 'MCA edition'

Payment Table (Schedule)


Number of the Payment (for the Payment Schedule) - the number of each regular payment according to the schedule


Payment Due Dates (for the Payment Schedule) - the date of each regular payment according to the schedule.


Total Amount of Each Payment (for the Payment Schedule) - the total amount of each regular payment scheduled to come due under the loan.


Amount of Each Payment that is applied to the Outstanding Principal Amount (for the Payment Schedule)

The Principal portion of each regular payment scheduled to come due under the loan


Amount of Each Payment that is Applied to Interest (for the Payment Schedule)

The Interest portion of each regular payment scheduled to come due under the loan


The amount of Administrative Fee and Origination Fee for the Installment 

BalanceBalance of Installment (for the Payment Schedule)

Total NSF Fee according to the schedule

Special Fees are not included

 Applicable only for Credit Products with the basic view


Total Late Fee according to the schedule. Special Fees are not included

Applicable only for Credit Products with the basic view


Total Past Due Interest according to the schedule

Special Fees are not included

 Applicable only for Credit Products with the basic view


Total Administration Fee according to the schedule

Special Fees are not included

Applicable only for Credit Products with the basic view


Total Origination Fee according to the schedule

Special Fees are not included

Applicable only for Credit Products with the basic view

InstallmentCloseDateThe Day of the charge 
InstallmentStatusStatus of Installment
PenaltyTotal Penalty for the Installment according to the schedule
PastDueTotal Past Due for the Installment according to the schedule
PercentageOfWeeklyIncomePercentage = 100% * Debit / Weekly Receivable ForecastOnly for the 'MCA edition'
WeeklyIncomeWeekly Receivable ForecastOnly for the 'MCA edition'

Late fees Table (LateFees)


The Day of the charge (Installment past due)

Late Fee Settings from Credit Product 


Late Fee Settings. Absolute fee set in the given credit product

Late Fee Charges need to be indicated in the Loan Agreement


Late Fee Settings

Outstanding balance % fee set in the given credit product

Late Fee Charges need to be indicated in the Loan Agreement


Basis debt for calculation of late fee amount

Previous Payments Table (PrevPayments)

PaymentDateThe date of the previous transaction 

Disbursement transaction is not included.

If the installment does not have any transactions, nothing (-) should be displayed.

TransactionStatus Transaction status. Successful | Failed | in Progress
TransactionTypeTransaction type. Cash | Check | Direct bank transfer | Card
PaymentAmountTransaction Amount. 

Transactions Table (Transactions)

The table contains all repayment transactions on a loan


The date when the transaction became binding

Usually matches the TransactionCreationDate but can precede it


The date when the transaction was registered in the system

Usually matches the TransactionEffectiveDate but can happen later

TransactionReferenceNumberTransaction reference #
TransactionStatus Transaction status. Successful | Failed | In Progress | Reversed
TransactionTypeTransaction method. Cash | Check | Direct bank transfer | Card
TransactionRepaymentModeTransaction Repayment Mode
TransactionAmountTransaction Amount
TransactionPrincipalPaidThe Principal amount covered by this transaction
TransactionInterestPaidInterest amount covered by this transaction
TransactionFeesPaidSum of all fees amount (including initial fees) covered by this transaction

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