List of Smart Markers

List of Smart Markers

To see the full list of Smart Markers, go to Tools → Excel Report. Click the “Report builder” button in the top right corner.
When the “Report builder” window opens, click the Smar markers” button.


Click the “Export full list” button to see the list of Smart Markers available for your project.


Below is an example of the list of smart markers available for a box project



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Accrued admin fee

Sum of all accrued Administration Fees created with the basic view template for the period specified in the time filtering


Accrued fee

Sum of all accrued fees with Fee Type = 'Fee' for the period specified in the time filtering


Accrued interest

Total accrued interest amount for the period specified in the time filtering


Accrued late fee

Sum of all accrued LateFee created with the basic view template for the period specified in the time filtering


Accrued NSF

Sum of all accrued NSF created with the basic view template for the period specified in the time filtering


Accrued origination fee

Sum of all accrued Origination Fees created with the basic view template for the period specified in the time filtering


Accrued past due

Sum of all accrued fees with Fee Type = 'PastDue' for the period specified in the time filtering


Accrued past due interest

Sum of all accrued PastDueInterest created with the basic view template for the period specified in the time filtering


Accrued penalty

Sum of all accrued fees with Fee Type = 'Penalty' for the period specified in the time filtering


Repaid admin fee

Sum of all repaid Administration Fees created with the basic view template for the period specified in the time filtering


Repaid fee

Sum of all repaid fees with Fee Type = 'Fee' for the period specified in the time filtering


Repaid interest

Total repaid interest amount for the period specified in the time filtering for the period specified in the time filtering


Repaid late fee

Sum of all repaid LateFee created with the basic view template for the period specified in the time filtering


Repaid leasing

Sum of all repaid fees with Fee type = 'Leasing'  for the period specified in the time filtering


Repaid NSF

Sum of all repaid NSF created with the basic view template for the period specified in the time filtering


Repaid origination fee

Sum of all repaid Origination Fees created with the basic view template for the period specified in the time filtering


Repaid past due

Sum of all repaid fees with Fee Type = 'PastDue' for the period specified in the time filtering


Repaid past due interest

Sum of all repaid PastDueInterest created with the basic view template for the period specified in the time filtering


Repaid penalty

Sum of all repaid fees with Fee Type = 'Penalty' for the period specified in the time filtering


Repaid principal

Total repaid principal amount for the period specified in the time filtering for the period specified in the time filtering


Customer flags

All active customer's flags


Customer's bank account type

Type of account (Saving; Checking)


Customer's city

The city as defined the customer’s address


Customer's email

Customer’s Email


Customer's First Name

Customer's First Name


Customer's full name

Full name of the customer


Customer's income type

Customer's income type (depends on the edition)


Customer's Last Name

Customer's Last Name


Customer's Middle Name

Customer's Middle Name


Customer's phone

Customer’s phone


Customer's public id

Public customer ID


Customer's SSN

Customer’s SSN


Customer's state

The state as defined the customer’s address


Customer's street

The street as defined the customer’s address


Customer's zip code

The zip code as defined the customer’s address


Expected payment amount

Amount of the nearest exptected payment or debt


Expected payment status

Status of the next expected payemnt (scheduled; late; grace; past due)


Next payment date

Date of the nearest expected payment


Accrued unpaid interest

Total unpaid Interest by the reporting date


Applicant Credit Bureau Score

Applicant Credit Bureau Score


Application date

Date the application was created


Average installment

Average Installment amount.


(Sum of all installments according to the initial schedule) / ( number of installments).


Grace period installments are not included.


Past due, late fee values are not included


Close date

Date the loan was closed (repaid, written off, restructured, rejected, agreement declined or expired)


Co-Applicant Credit Bureau Score

Co-Applicant Credit Bureau Score


Contract date

The date when the contract was signed.


If the loan is e-signing, it is the date when Customer signed the loan agreement.


If the is loan signed manually, it is the date when the back-office registered manual signing


Contract leasing amount

Total amount of all the fees of Fee type = 'Leasing' to be accrued according to the schedule as it was on the disbursement state.


Credit product

Credit Product Name


Days past due

Number of days past due for an overdue loan


Disbursement date

The date when the transaction of Loan Disbursement was done.


For the Loan Agreement where the loan has not been disbursed - the Current date



Sum of all accrued 'Down payment' fees


Equal payment

Equal payment.

Applicable if 'Enable equal payments'=ON


First disbursement amount

First funds tranche.

Applicable if 'Enabled multiple disbursement'=ON


First payment date

The first due date according to the initial schedule


Full loan term

Loan term in months, (e.g. “12 months”)


Interest rate

Interest rate for the loan; is set in the given credit product


Last payment date

The date of the most recent successful payment transaction the client made towards the account


Loan amount

Loan amount value. Set by the Borrower or Originator when a the loan application was created


Loan auto-decision date

Date when the loan was auto-processed and then moved into the Underwriting workspace or auto-decisioned


Loan branch

Lowest-level branch to which the loan is assigned


Loan Cancellation Reason

Loan Cancellation Reason


Loan ID

Unique identifier of the loan that is visible to all users of the System.


Loan Rejection Reason

Loan Rejection Reason


Loan status

Loan status on the current system (in a human-readable format).


Maturity date

Loan maturity date according to the contract (date when Loan should be fully paid according to its initial schedule. (Rollovers are not taken into account).


Next payment date

The nearest future due date according to the actual payment schedule


Oldest missed due date

For accounts that are past due, this is the date of the first missed payment. Due date of the oldest installment with status 'Missed'



Full name of the back-office user who created the loan. If the loan was created from the front-office, the value is empty.


Outstanding balance

Current outstanding balance of the loan


Outstanding principal

Current outstanding principal of the loan


Overpaid amount

Total amount of overpayment for the loan


Paid fees

Total Paid Fees from the Loan Start date to the Current date (except the Initial fees!)


Paid initial fees

Total Initial Fees paid on this loan


Paid total

Amount paid.

Sum of all successful payment transactions


Past due debt

Current past due debt of the loan. The sum of unpaid debt for all missed installments.


Payment amount

Scheduled monthly payment.

Total amount of the installment #1 from the Initial schedule.

Used in annuity loan type without origination fee over equal payment


Payoff amount

Payoff amount on the reporting date (can only be calculated on the current date!)


Pre-approval fees

Sum of all accrued 'Pre-approval' fees


Pre-disbursement fees

Sum of all accrued 'Pre-disbursement' fees (including Down payments)


Purchase amount

Purchase amount' value. Set by the Borrower or the Originator when a loan is created/modified


Repayment period

Repayment period as defined in the Credit Product settings


Risk level

Risk level calculated following the loan assessment by the System (Low; Medium; High; Highest; Default)


Sent for signing date

Date when the loan agreement is generated and sent to the customer for signing



Name of the store


Store address

Address of the store


System decision

Automatic decision suggested by the system (Approve; Refer; Reject)


Total contract amount

Total amount to be accrued according to the loan schedule as it was at the moment of disbursement


Total contract commission

Total comission accrued according to the loan schedule as it was at the moment of disbursement


Total contract interest

Total interest to be accrued according to the loan schedule as it was at the moment of disbursement


Total disbursed amount

Sum of all successful disbursement transactions


Total written off amount

The remaining outstanding balance on the account when it was written off



Full name of the back-office user latest to interact with the loan (approve, reject or sent for reprocessing). If the loan was approved or rejected by System, the value should be empty.


Underwriter's decision

Decision made by a back-office user (Approve; Reject)



Name of the vendor


Vendor address

Address of the vendor


Written off amount

For loans that were written off it is the total write-off amount. For other loans the value is 0.


Written off interest

Written Off Interest amount (current value)


Written off principal

Written Off Principal amount (current value)


Written-off fees

Written off fee amount (current value).

Sum of all fees except principal and interest


Comment on failure

Comments from the person who reversed this transaction (Manager) or an error from a payment provider


Created by

Name of the person who created this transaction (Client or Manager) or 'System'


Failure date

The date when a transaction became reversed / failed



Fee amount (total of all the fees with Fee Type = 'Fee')



Interest amount



Leasing amount


Past due

Past Due amount (total off all the fees with Fee Type = 'PastDue')


Payment type

Pament type (Cash; Check; Bank Transfer; Card)



Penalty amount (total off all the fees with Fee Type = 'Penalty')



Principal amount


Repayment mode

Repayment mode of the transaction


Reversed by

Name of the person who created this transaction (Client or Manager) or 'System'


Transaction amount

Amount of the transaction


Transaction comments

Comments added to the transaction by a back-office user


Transaction date

Date/time of the transaction


Transaction reference

Reference ID provided for the transaction by a back-office user


Transaction status

Transaction status (Successful; Reversed; Failed)


Transaction type

Type of the transaction (Disbursement or Payment)


Undistributed amount

A part of the repayment amount that was not allocated to the principal, interest or any fees



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