Enable logging in with Google Account

If the functionality has been enabled for your company’s account, TurnKey Lender users can log in to their account using their Google credentials.

The capability is defined at the web config level (https://turnkey-lender.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TLKB/pages/3292856365/Advanced+platform+settings+made+on+the+configuration+level#Log-in-with-your-Google-%2F-Facebook-Account ).

To do so, you need to perform the step described below.

Get an OAuth2 Account

To let your users log in with Google, you need to generate OAuth2 credentials. You can do it following the instructions at https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/authentication.

Learn your Client ID and Client Secret

As you might have seen in the document on the web config file, mentioned above, the feature requires information about the Client ID and Client Secret.

If you have just created the OAuth credentials, you have also created the Client ID and Client Secret (https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/authentication#create_a_client_id_and_client_secret ) .

Otherwise, you can find them as described at

Provide the credentials to your point of contact at TurneKey Lender