Use Merge Fields in IF Conditions
How IF-Fields Work
At its simplest, an IF field works as follows: If a condition is met display one result, otherwise display another. A field of this sort would look a bit like this:
{ IF [Condition] [Result displayed if the condition is met] [ Result displayed otherwise] }.
The results can be two merge fields, a merge field and a text value or two text values.
For example
Which means, that if the CoApplicantFullName is empty (=””), we should display text “N/A”, and otherwise should display the value of the field.
Nested Conditions
You can also nest several conditions to define more values
For example, if the value is Branch 1, use the text “Branch 1”, otherwise check if the value is “Branch 2” and use “Branch 2”, but otherwise check if it is “Head Office” and use “Head Office” value if it is or “N/A” if it isn’t.
Simulate AND Operator
You can also next the conditions. For example to recreate the AND operator you need an expression like
{ IF [Condition 1] { IF [Condition 2] [Result that is true if both conditions are met] [Result displayed otherwise } [Result displayed otherwise] }
Simulate OR Operator
Recreating OR operator is a bit trickier, and goes like
{ IF [Condition 1] [Result displayed if any of the conditions is true] { IF [Condition 2] [Result displayed if any of the conditions is true] [Result displayed otherwise] } [Result displayed otherwise” }
{ MERGEFIELD Town }{ IF { MERGEFIELD Town } = "" "" { IF { MERGEFIELD County } = "" "" ", " } }{ MERGEFIELD County }