Equifax Canada

Equifax Canada

First Steps

Go to Settings → Integrations → Credit bureau, Enable the Credit bureau integration and select the “Equifax Canada” in the the “Service” selector.

Integration with credit bureau Equifax (Canada)

At the Service Provider’s Site

Get Registered (learn you Member number, Customer code and Security code)

If you are not yet a Equifax member, contact their support for instructions on how to become an Equifax member. Equifax will provide you with a checklist of the steps and the documents that must be completed in order to become a member.

Upon successful registration, they will send you:

  • Member number

  • Customer Number

  • Security Code (for UAT)

  • Customer Code

Register the Client (get the Client Id and Secret)

  1. Request Equifax support for the Partner Product Access Code.

  2. Have the Client registered on the Equifax developers’ portal (https://developer.equifax.ca/) and go to “Dashboard”

  3. In the emerged page, scroll down to the new application creation

    1. On the left - enter the Partner Product Access Code and click “Submit”

    2. On the right - add the Project name (Application name). Set the “Type” selector to “Standard STS”.

    3. Optionally, you can add a description (for internal purposes).

    4. Click the “Next” button

  4. The new project will appear in the table on the top of the Dashboard page.

    Click the App Name.

  5. In the emerged window, click the “Add API Product” link

  6. In the “Add API Products” tab, enable the “Equifax Reports STS” flag and click the “ADD” button

  7. The API product will be added and its Credentials and Details will be filled in automatically. Click “Promote to Test” above the tab displaying them.


  8. Wait for Equifax to approve the project. It will appear in the Test tab.

  9. Both from the test and sandbox *but before going live). you can add the server IP address to the whitelist. Please contact TurnKey Lender for the list of IP addresses relevant to your project.

  10. Also, optionally and at any point before going live, the Client can add you as a collaborator. If so, you’ll be able to view the Client’s API product.

  11. In the Test tab, above the Whitelist IPs table there are the Client ID and Client Secret details. Copy the details and add them to TurnKey Lender → Settings → Integrations → Credit bureau → Equifax Canada.

  12. To finalize the integration, click the “Promote to Live” button on the right side of the screen. Wait for Equifax to check and approve the project.

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