Using Credit Bureau Check Results
Credit Bureau check results can be analyzed by the system and cause automatic actions or be viewed manually.
Automatic check
As defined by the basic settings (Enabling and Setting Up Credit Bureau Integration) automatic check can take place:
At the start of application filing
Before disbursement
Subject to the corresponding decision-making rules ( Setting Up Rules ), the system will take one of the following actions:
Automatically reject the application (application with the status “Rejects” will be available at the Archive workplace)
Automatically accept the application (application will be sent to the following step of the check: Risk Evaluation or Servicing).
Automatically send the application for manual decision (application will be set to the status “Waiting for decision” and available at the Underwriting workplace)
Manual check
Along with that, every user who has access to Risk Evaluation, Underwriting, Servicing, or Collection workplaces, can request a new credit bureau check.
Open the loan application page and go to the “Credit Bureau” tab
If both Soft and Hard pull check are enabled for the provider, the both buttons will be available. You can also see the time and type of the latest check next to the buttons.
Click the button, and upon confirmation, the credit check will be requested from the provider and the data will be updated correspondingly.
Where you can see the credit service bureau check results
There are two areas, where the credit service bureau check results are visible for a Back-Office user on the Risk Evaluation, Underwriting, Servicing, Collection or Archive workplaces.
Credit bureau tab
Risk score tab