System-wide vendor settings

System-wide vendor settings

Once at least one vendor with a store have been created in the system, it is possible to create a loan application related to a specific vendor and store or assign it thereto.

There are several settings that can be defined for all the vendors, stores and credit products in the system. These are:

  • Whether selecting a vendor is always suggested to the customer when creating a loan application

  • Whether locations of the selected stores shall be displayed on the map

In order to manage these settings, go to the Tools → Vendors → Settings and check or uncheck the corresponding switchers

  • If the “Require customers to select a vendor for a loan” switcher is enabled, the customers will be suggested to select a vendor and store (however, it is still possible to leave the selection empty and click the “Next” button). Otherwise it is impossible for the customer to attach the loan to a specific vendor (it still can be done by the Lender’s Back office Employee)

  • If “Show vendors on map” is enabled, vendor/store location is displayed on the map. This, in particular, enables the search by Industry and Store name in the wizard.