

In TurnKey Lender user can view reports on the Reports workplace. General overview can be found on the Operational reports page.

Filtering panel

The data in the operational reports can be displayed daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually.

To select a period of the operational reports, the user clicks the Monthly split button

By default, the user can review all operational reports on one page in a monthly period. To select any specific report the user clicks the All reports split button and select a report from the list

The following operational reports are available:

  • Business Status

  • Applications Statistics

  • Origination efficiency

Business Status report

The Business Status report allows the user to analyze the loan applications statistics:

The Business status report displays the following information:

New shows the statistics of new loan applications created in the system.

The table displays New block information

New loans 

(the total number of new loan applications created during the displayed time period)



the number of loan applications created during the displayed time period and approved (including the loans already disbursed to the borrowers)


the number of loan applications created during the displayed time period and rejected

Amount disbursed

the amount of all loans applied for during the displayed time period and disbursed

Returning clients

(the total number of loan applications filed during the displayed time period by the borrowers who have previously applied for loans)



the number of loan applications created for the returning clients during the displayed time period and approved (including the loans already disbursed)


the number of loan applications created for the returning clients during the displayed time period and rejected

Amount disbursed

the amount of all loans applied for by the returning clients during the displayed time period and disbursed

Active: displays the following information on active loan applications:

The table displays Active block information

Performing loans

the number of loans which have been created in the displayed time period and had the “Active” status by the end of the period




the total amount of loans disbursed to the borrowers. The calculation includes the loans which have been created during the displayed time period and have the “Active” status by the end of the period


the total amount of interest payments, loan principal amounts, and fees collected for the loans which have been created during the displayed time period and have the “Active” status by the end of the period


the total amount of interest payments and fees collected for the active loans

Avg. Interest

the average amount of interest payments made for the loans which have the “Active” status by the end of the displayed period

Non-performing loans

the number of loans which have been generated during the displayed time period and have the “PastDue” status by the end of the period


the total amount of loans disbursed to the borrowers. The calculation includes the loans which have been generated during the displayed time period and have the “PastDue” status by the end of the period


the total debt amount including interest payments, loan principal amounts, and fees. The calculation includes the loans which have been generated during the displayed time period and have the “PastDue” status by the end of the period

Outstanding Balance

the total amount due at later dates. The calculation includes the loans which have been generated during the displayed time period and have the “PastDue” status by the end of the period

Avg. DPD

the average number of days past due. The calculation includes the loans which have been generated during the displayed time period and have the “PastDue” status by the end of the period

Closed: displays the following information on closed loan applications

The table displays Closed block information

Paid In Full On Time

the number of loans that were repaid in full during the displayed time period and were never past due during the whole repayment period



the total amount of loans disbursed to the borrowers. The calculation includes the loans repaid in full during the displayed time period and not past due during the whole repayment period

Earned Avg. Interest

the average amount of income from interest payments for loans repaid in full during the displayed time period and not past due during the whole repayment period

Early Payments

the total amount written off from borrowers’ accounts due to advance payment

Paid in Full With Delays
the number of loans that were repaid in full during the displayed time period but were past due at least once during the whole repayment period


the total amount of loans disbursed to the borrowers. The calculation includes the loans repaid in full during the displayed time period but past due at least once during the whole repayment period

Earned Avg. Interest

the average amount of income from interest payments for loans repaid in full during the displayed time period but past due at least once during the whole repayment period

Earned Fees

the total amount of fees paid by the borrowers for loans repaid in full during the displayed time period but past due at least once during the whole repayment period

Written Off
the number of loans written off during the displayed time period


the total amount of loans written off in the displayed time period

Unpaid Balance

the amount of receivables from loans written off in the displayed time period

Earned Fees

the total amount of fees collected for the loans written off during the displayed time period

Applications Statistics report

The Application Statistics report (see Fig. 8) allows analyzing overall applications statistics and displays the number of new, active, and closed loan applications for a selected period.

The Applications Statistics report can be reviewed in a chart or table. To display the report in a convenient format, the user should click Chart or Table buttons. To display the report in both formats, the user should click the Both button:

By default, the chart and table of the report demonstrate the number of loan applications for the displayed period.

In the chart, the number of loan applications is displayed on the left y-axis.

All new and active loan applications are concentrated along the positive semi-axis, while all closed loan applications are displayed along the negative semi-axis.

To review the amount of loans for the displayed period, the user should click the Amount button

Origination Efficiency report

The Origination Efficiency report displays information on Originators’ activity in the system. The report can be represented in the chart or table view. To display the report in both chart and table views the user should click the Both button. To present report in a chart view the user should click the Chart button

The chart and table display information according to a period selected (see Fig. 11), which can be daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually.

The chart and table display information according to a type of report selected by clicking the Application Originated split button:

Report filter consists of the following information

Applications Originated

the number of loan applications created by Originators


the number of loan applications approved by Originators


the number of loan applications rejected by Originators


the number of loan applications reworked by Originators

Average Origination Time

the average time (in hours or days) from the moment the loan application was created by the Originator till the moment it was sent to the Underwriter for further processing

Note: The reworked loan applications are not taken into account.

Maximum Origination Time

the maximum time (in hours or days) from the moment the loan application was created by the Originator till the moment it was sent to the Underwriter for further processing

Note: The reworked loan applications are not taken into account.

To select a user click the Users split button and select one or more Originators from the list by selecting the check boxes next to corresponding users. By default, all Originators are selected:

The report can be exported to the Excel spreadsheet by clicking the Export button

To present report in a table view the user should click the Table button.

The table displays information on selected Originators

Full Name

a full name of Originators

Applications Processed (Reworked)

a total number of loan applications created by the Originator.

The number in brackets corresponds to the total number of loan applications reworked by the corresponding Originator


a number of loan applications created by the Originator and subsequently approved by the Underwriter.

The percentage in brackets corresponds to the ratio of such loan applications to the total number of approved loan applications


a number of loan applications created by the Originator and subsequently rejected by the Underwriter.

The percentage in brackets corresponds to the ratio of such loan applications to the total number of rejected loan applications

Avg Origination Time

an average time (in hours or days) from the moment the loan application was created by the Originator till the moment it was sent to the Underwriter for further processing.

Note: The reworked loan applications are not taken into account

Maximum Origination Time

a maximum time (in hours or days) from the moment the loan application was created by the Originator till the moment it was sent to the Underwriter for further processing.

Note: The reworked loan applications are not taken into account

Total Amount Approved

an amount disbursed to borrowers under loan applications created by the Originator

Avg Amount Approved

an average amount disbursed to borrowers under loan applications created by the Originator


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