This subsection provides instructions on how to reject loan applications.
The Collateral Manager can reject only those loans which collaterals need to be valued or have already been valued but a valuation period has not expired yet.
To reject a loan application:
1) Above the table displaying the list of loan applications, click the All split button and select Primary Valuation to filter the loan applications.
After the filter has been applied, the table displays all loan applications that have been approved either automatically by the system or by the Underwriter at the previous stage of processing and which collaterals need to be valued by the Collateral Manager or have already been valued but a valuation period has not expired yet.
2) In the table, select a loan application to be rejected.
3) Above the table, click the Reject button.
The confirmation message opens:

4) Click Yes to confirm the operation.
The loan application has been rejected and is not displayed on the Collateral workplace.