To unify all of your lending business in TurnKey Lender, you can import external data batches with customers, loans, or payments to your TurnKey Lender portal. The data import process includes external data transfer, error checking and fixing, and import of the necessary info.

  1. Navigate to Tools > Import to access the functionality.

  2. Select the necessary page based on the data type you want to import (Customers, Loans, or Payments).

  3. Download the template and fill out the file with the necessary information.

  4. Then upload the .XLS or .CSV file to the System in the same window.

The import consists of 3 steps in the following order:

  1. Customers 

General information:

                     Example  ‘customers_template’ file below:

The 1 st Customer will be created with ‘Incomplete' status. You can complete the creation of the Customer from Tools-> Customer management tab.

The 2 nd Customer will be created with ‘Active’ status

2. Loans

General information:

After that, preview import results to fix any errors and see if all the records were processed successfully. New loans won’t be created in the System unless you confirm the import. 

Example ‘loans_template’ file below:

The 1st Loan:

First Payment Date can't be earlier or equal Disbursement Date.

First Payment Date can't be earlier or equal Start Date.

The 2nd Loan:

Loan Amount does not correspond to Credit product.

Loan Term does not correspond to Credit product.

First Payment Date can't be earlier or equal Disbursement Date.

First Payment Date can't be earlier or equal Start Date.

The 3rd loan will be ready for import 

Loan ID column is added to the export excel file.

You will find this loan on the Servicing Workplace by Loan ID with Active Status because of the filled Disbursement date.

The 4th loan will be ready for import

Loan ID column is added to the export excel file.

Loan is created in Origination Workplace with Origination status because Disbursement date is empty. 

3. Payments

General information:

Payments can be imported for loans in Active or Past Due, waiting for Initial payment statuses. The payments parameters must match the loan (amount, date, loan status etc).

Example ‘payments_template’ file below:

The 1-st Loan will appears on the ‘Archive’ WP with  ‘Repaid’ status because of full payment.

The 2-nd Loan will appears on the Servicing WP with ‘Active’ status.

Before you import the template pay attention to the option of sending notifications to customers.

It is recommended to disable any notifications while you’re importing customers, otherwise, they will receive non-relevant notifications regarding loans, which may confuse them.

For example - you have imported disbursements already but haven’t imported re-payments yet. A lot of loans will go to Past due state and customers will receive notifications regarding their debt, which won’t be accurate.