To change the company name, address, website URL, email, logo, favicon, as well as other company details that display to your clients and staff, navigate to Settings -> Company settings. You will see a simple set of fields you can edit. 

Once you’re done with the company details section, don’t forget to press the Save changes button.

Below the company information section, you can upload the logo which will display on the front-end of your TurnKey Lender instance, as well as in the back-office to your staff, and in the borrower portal.

You may want to preview the way your new logo will look in automatic emails and on the front-end before publishing the changes to the live environment using the Preview button.

To change the general company settings further, you can switch to the Regional settings section and edit the country of operations, currency, and the default language of the TurnKey Lender solution which will apply both the front- and back-end of the software you’re using.

Custom domain name

Another commonly used item is changing the domain name for your TurnKey Lender instance which does require involvement from our team. Nonetheless, you can easily assign your own domain name to production instead of To do that, send your TurnKey Lender account manager the SSL certificate in *.pfx format for the domain you would like to use and point that domain to the server IP, which we will provide from your side.