Smart markets spelling, rules, and current list

Smart markers are a powerful asset that helps lenders create custom reports in TurnKey Lender. The way it works is you have a list of available smart markers that the System recognizes and pulls the necessary data into the report if it sees them.

The spelling of the smart markers is as follows:


(this smart marker pulls all existing loans)

You can find the full list of smart markers compatible with TurnKey Lender here.

How to create a reports template with smart markets

Open a new Excel table on your desktop and add the static formatting you want to be kept in your report (e.g. titles, sections, etc).

Next, add the smart markers with &=vm.Model_SmartMarker in front. It’s best to have one smart marker per column to make sure the data doesn’t overlap.

Save your report’s template and navigate back to Tools → Excel reports → Add excel report.