Customer requests funds from a Lender: A Potential Customer approaches the Lender’s office, calls, or leaves an application on the Lender’s website.
Customer requests services or goods from a Vendor: A Potential Customer wants to purchase some goods or services from the Vendor and asks the Lender to provide the funds to pay for it as a Loan.
TurnKey Lender provides automation tools for the following situations:
Front Office Forms for the Customer and Loan Application Registration: Collect the main information about the new Customer, Create a Customer’s account, and collect Loan Application requests from existing and new Customers from the Web-Portal
Back Office Forms for the Customer and Loan Application Registration: Have an authorized Back-Office user collect the main information about a new Customer, create the Customer’s account in the Back-Office and
Front Office Form for the Loan Application Registration: Have an authorized Back-Office user create a Loan Application Request
Turnkey Lender allows you to:
Define what information must or can be collected to register the Customer
Define what information must or can be provided to register a Loan request
Define what Loan details must or can be requested at the origination stage
Define if any additional checks must or can be run at the original stage
Let’s take a look at a usual business flow aimed at providing the Customer with a Loan and then collecting the Loan and corresponding interest and fees in compliance with the agreement.