Customer requests funds from a Lender: A Potential Customer approaches the Lender’s office, calls, or leaves an application on the Lender’s website.
Customer requests services or goods from a Vendor: A Potential Customer wants to purchase some goods or services from the Vendor and asks the Lender to provide the funds to pay for it as a Loan.
TurnKey Lender
provides automation tools for the following situations:
Front Office Forms for the Customer and Loan Application Registration: Collect the main information about the new Customer and create , Create a Customer’s account in the dedicated portal
Customer’s Application Form: Collect the application requests from the web-portal
Preorigination Workplace
Application form that can be submitted by Potential Customers online, and collect Loan Application requests from existing and new Customers from the Web-Portal
Back Office Forms for the Customer and Loan Application Registration: Have an authorized Back-Office user collect the main information about a new Customer, create the Customer’s account in the Back-Office and
Front Office Form for the Loan Application Registration: Have an authorized Back-Office user create a Loan Application Request
Vendor Forms for the Customer and Loan Registration
Let’s take a look at a usual business flow aimed at providing the Customer with a Loan and then collecting the Loan and corresponding interest and fees in compliance with the agreement.